Milongueras, Milongueros,
In the MAY semester we shall meet as usual Wednesdays and Saturdays , 8pm, at HAYES HALL lobby. This will be the last opportunity for a long time to learn genuine Argentine Tango and improve your skills. The meetings will combine lessons for beginners and for experienced Tango dancers, as well as a Practica too, in parallel: come early. We urge people on this list that hesitated until now to seize this last opportunity to learn this kingly dance, and improve their skills. This will be a last opportunity for a long time.
We had a very interesting year, our members improved a lot. Now that the semester is over, many of our members dispersed around the globe, so we have room for new people: no experience assumed, no dress code, no partner necessary, two left feet okay. Experienced dancers who are still in Columbus are most welcome, but do not lose time: use May to its fullest!
Usual prices: OSU undergrads $20, other students $25, others $40
for all May sessions. Alternatively: $5/$7/$10 per night.
We always meet at HAYES HALL lobby, northeast side of the Oval:
Visit our Facebook page to join the group, for photos and videos:
Official website is http://
Our blogs at http://atcotango. (weekly message)
and http://tangoosu.blogspot. com/ (standing message).
Un/subscribe or contact us:
To contact Yuval use tangodayu@gm
See you on the dance floor,